School Type and Placement of Technical Education Pre-Service Teachers for Teaching Practice Exercises in Nigeria: A Qualitative Study


school type
technical education
pre-service teachers
teaching practice
cooperating teachers

How to Cite

School Type and Placement of Technical Education Pre-Service Teachers for Teaching Practice Exercises in Nigeria: A Qualitative Study. (2022). WVSU Research Journal, 11(1), 1-17.


Technical Education pre-service teachers are breed of a dual process, hence the need to be discrete in handling their affairs. One of such areas that requires discrete handling is the area of teaching practice which must not be toyed with. Therefore, attention was given to considering school type and placement of technical education pre-service teachers for teaching practice exercises in this study. Two research questions bothering on whether school type should be a factor to be considered in placing technical education pre-service teachers for teaching practice exercises and why it should be a factor for consideration guided the study. Qualitative method was used in gathering and analyzing data. The sample for the study consisted of a total of 17 participants. The participants were technical education experts who possessed doctorate degrees and relevant experience to provide adequate information for this study. The instrument for data collection was an interview protocol that involved both face-to-face and Social Media interactions. Data collected for this study was analyzed using content analysis.  The major findings of the study showed that there was need to consider school type in placing technical education pre-service teachers for teaching practice exercises. Based on the findings of this study, it is therefore recommended that technical education pre-service teachers should be posted to public secondary schools where qualified cooperating teachers, workshop and facilities for implementing basic technology curriculum are available and functional.

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