This survey-correlational study aimed to ascertain relationships among management action and organizational performance of public elementary schools in Barotac Nuevo, Philippines. Further, it ascertained which among the elements of management action predicted organizational performance. Respondents of the study include 24 administrators and 168 teachers as respondents with the latter selected through stratified random sampling. Two data gathering instruments were used: (1) Management Action Questionnaire, to measure the level of respondents' management action; and (2) OPCRF, a standardized instrument used by DepEd in measuring school performance. For descriptive statistics, frequency counts, percentage analyses, means, and standard deviations were employed, while for inferential statistics, t-test for independent samples, standard multiple regression, and Pearson's r were utilized. Results revealed that when respondents were taken as a whole and classified according to position, their level of management action in terms of decision making style was high in rational/collegial or high in autocratic/ political decision making style, high in problem solving, exceptionally good in human relations, and exceptionally good in communication. Meanwhile, organizational performance was very satisfactory. When classified according to position, their level of management action in terms of decision making differ significantly; while their management action in terms of problem solving, human relations, and communications did not differ significantly. Further, organizational performance did not differ significantly. The variable management action (decision making) was a significant predictor of organizational performance.

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