Effect of Different Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on the Flower Yield of Roses


Organic and inorganic fertilizers
flower yield

How to Cite

Effect of Different Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on the Flower Yield of Roses . (2012). WVSU Research Journal, 1(2), 71-78. https://doi.org/10.59460/wvsurjvol1iss2pp71-78


This study was conducted in the Ornamental Garden Bank of West Visayas State University from February 1998 to January 2000. The objectives are to: determine the number of flowers produced and classified as to size and length of stalk; determine the average monthly and yearly production of rose flowers, and find out the cost and return of each treatment.

Two hundred marcotted roses were planted in pots and were grown for two years under five fertilizer treatments. The treatments used were: A. Control (alternate foliar spray of 15-15-30+ME at the rate of 1.5g/l of water every 15 days); B, Control + ring application of 60 g chicken dung every 45 days; C, Control + ring application of 60 g chicken dung every 45 days; D, Control + ring application of 60 g hog manure every 45 days; and E, Control +1/2 ring application of 2.5 g of Inorganic fertilizer + 1/2 30 g of Chicken Dung + 1/2 30 g hog manure every 45 days. The experiment was laid in RCBD replicated four times with 10 potted plants per replicate. Results indicated that foliar spray plus the application of 14-1414, chicken dung and hog manure in the soil every 15 days, singly or in combination significantly produced more quality flowers than those that received foliar spray alone. Growing of roses in pots can be profitable as indicated by Return on Investment (ROI) The highest ROI of 140.07% was obtained in treatment E (foliar spray of inorganic fertilizer + ring application of 2.5 g of 14-14-14, ring application of 30 g each of chicken dung and hog manure every 45 day

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