This study was done to determine the yield of Ganoderma lucidum on different sawdusts of mahogany (Sweitenia macrophylla), gmelina (Gmelina arborea), and coconut (Cocos nucifera). The sawdusts were enriched with 50% rice bran and 2% lime based on the total volume of sawdust. All the sawdusts in the different treatments were supplemented with .25% molasses and composted for 12 days where turning of the compost was done every 2 days. After the composting period, the sawdusts were bagged using heat resistant polypropylene (PPC) plastic bags and sterilized for one hour at 15psi. After cooling, the sterilized bags were inoculated with the grain spawn of Ganoderma lucidum and incubated at room temperature until ready for fruiting. Fruiting was done outdoors in a plastic house with provisions for moisture and temperature control.
Results showed that all the sawdusts supported the growth of Ganoderma lucidum as all the bags produced fruiting bodies in five flushes. Mahogany and gmelina sawdusts registered higher yields, however, statistical analysis showed no significant difference in their yield. Coconut sawdust posted the lowest yield which differed significantly from the yield of mahogany and gmelina.

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