This is a quantitative research that utilized a quasi-experimental research, specifically, the one group pre-test-post-test design. It sought to determine the effectiveness of the training design and materials developed to enhance the mathematics teachers’ competencies on the Enhanced K-12 Basic Education Curriculum. Eighteen Grade 7 mathematics teachers in the Division of Passi City who attended the Department of Education Regional Mass Training on the Enhanced K-12 Basic Education Curriculum served as respondents of the study. The post-test result based on the competency rating sheet (Adapted from F3-M&E Form 5 of DepEd TEC) and End of Program Assessment of the Department of Education Regional Mass Training on the Enhanced K-12 Basic Education Curriculum was used as basis in determining the least mastered skills and concept of the teachers. The identified least mastered skills of the teachers were used as basis to develop a training design and materials to enhance the teachers’ competencies on the Enhanced K-12 Basic Education Curriculum. It was found out that the least mastered skills of the teachers include concepts on sets, basic construction, data analyses and interpretation, solving special products using models, and solving problems involving measurements and real numbers. The result showed that there was a significant difference in the competency of the teachers before and after the conduct of the retraining. Hence, the training design and materials developed was effective in enhancing the teachers’ competencies on the new curriculum.

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