Hesitancy and Non-Compliance To COVID-19 Vaccination of Pregnant Mothers in Bandar Lampung City, Indonesia




vaccine hesitancy
vaccine refusal
pregnant mothers vaccination
COVID-19 vaccine

How to Cite

Hesitancy and Non-Compliance To COVID-19 Vaccination of Pregnant Mothers in Bandar Lampung City, Indonesia. (2024). WVSU Research Journal, 13(2), 26-34. https://doi.org/10.59460/wvsurjvol13iss2pp26-34


Vaccination is the main strategy and effort to deal with COVID-19 pandemic, including among pregnant mothers. Studies indicate that vaccine acceptance rates in this group remain low. This study investigates reasons for hesitancy and refusal of COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant mothers in Bandar Lampung City, Indonesia. Using a descriptive quantitative approach, the study population includes 312 pregnant mothers who visited Antenatal Care (ANC) at 17 Private Midwife’s Practices in Bandar Lampung City during October to November 2022, with the study sampled 93 pregnant mothers who had not received the COVID-19 vaccine, selected using purposive sampling technique. All respondents met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were collected via validated and reliable questionnaires, filled out by pregnant mothers including consent to participate in the study, identity, age, gestational age, education, and number of births, as well as reasons for not participating in the COVID-19 vaccination. Univariate analysis was carried out for the data obtained on the respondent’s characteristics and the reasons for not participating in the COVID-19 vaccination. The findings reveal that most respondents were aged 20-35 years old (88.2%), in their third trimester (52.7%), with primary-level education (79.6%), and nulliparous (36.6%).  Fear of vaccine side effects (37.6%) and concerns about fetal health (35.5%) were the primary reasons for vaccine refusal. It is recommended that health workers should focus on educating pregnant mothers about vaccine safety to improve acceptance rates in Bandar Lampung City.



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