Argument mapping, which includes arguments or premises and contentions, presents ideas in a verbal-diagrammatical representation through boxes and arrows. This quasi-experimental study was conducted to determine the effect of argument mapping teaching method to the critical thinking dispositions of learners in Physics. The study participants were learners from a public high school in the Philippines for the School Year 2020-2021. The Critical Thinking Dispositions (CTD) of learners in Physics were determined using a researcher-made CTD Inventory. The Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) in Science 10 containing seven (7) SLMs implemented for seven (7) weeks for both groups containing the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) for Grade 10 learners as prescribed by the DepEd for the second quarter was used for the controlled group. The same SLMs were used in teaching the experimental group, which some parts have been modified to embed argument mapping activities. Pretest revealed that both groups have the same level of CTDs before implementing the intervention. However, posttest revealed that the CTDs of the learners exposed to Argument Mapping (AM) method of teaching group is significantly higher than that of the learners in the non-AM method of teaching group. The argument mapping teaching method had a positive effect on the critical thinking dispositions of learners. The researcher recommends that learners be exposed to activities requiring them to use their critical thinking, be given opportunities to collaborative works and communicate their ideas, and further studies be conducted to develop better instruments to measure the critical thinking dispositions of learners.
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