Research is vital in addressing the pressing and emerging issues in school; thus, it should be cultivated and nurtured for the improvement of teaching competence, upgrading of school policies, and advancing school management towards educational development and progress. This study assessed the research knowledge, competence, and challenges encountered by the school heads in conducting research. Utilizing the quantitative-qualitative research design, the results revealed that the school heads had a high level of knowledge in creating research titles, creating context and rationale/introduction of the research, providing appropriate interventions, and collecting/gathering data. However, the school heads showed a very low competence in presenting research results and findings, formulating research instruments, evaluating research proposal/manuscript, interpreting research results and findings, and editing research proposal/manuscript. School heads’ research knowledge and competence were significantly influenced by educational attainment and school category. Sex significantly affected the school heads’ research competence but not their research knowledge. Challenges encountered were summarized in four key themes: (1) insufficiency of time, (2) difficulty in writing research technicalities, (3) paucity of knowledge in data collection processes, and (4) inadequacy of skills in data analysis and interpretation. The findings ensued in the creation of research revitalization programs and activities to rekindle the driving forces of school heads in providing research-based interventions while addressing properly, appropriately, and effectively the research challenges, which may lead to advanced management practices, upgraded school policy implementation, and improved quality of education.
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